Eaton Software Products
Manage and communicate with your UPS
Depending upon your application and its requirements, there are four basic ways to manage and communicate with your UPS:
Single UPS: Network card
You can usually monitor a single UPS through an optional network card. Our network cards are essentially their own servers, so they record event history, send email and text message alerts, and provide remote access to real-time status. Using a network card is usually the best way to manage one UPS.
Shutdown: Network card and Intelligent Power Protector (IPP)
If your UPS is protecting servers, you can use our software to schedule safe shutdowns and prevent data loss in the event of a prolonged power outage. For an Eaton UPS with a network card, IPP is the Eaton shutdown agent. IPP communicates directly with the network card (or over USB and serial if needed) to register itself and receive alerts to initiate soft shutdown of your IT systems.
Multiple UPS installations: Network cards and Intelligent Power Manager (IPM)
For multiple UPSs spread out across a network closet, campus or enterprise, IPM software is designed to aggregate and manage your power devices (both UPSs and network-enabled ePDU products).
Virtualization: Network card and IPM
IPM is the industry leader integrating power with virtualization platforms. The IPM shutdown agent management enables safe shutdown of virtualized servers—even servers in clusters running vCenter or XenCenter. Live migrations can be triggered to transparently move virtual machines to an available server on the network, for data integrity and zero downtime.
UPS Supervisory Software
Software solutions for monitoring and management of your UPS and connected equipment
Peer-to-peer recommended:
- Intelligent Power Manager
- LanSafe
- Personal Solution-Pac
- Microsoft Integrated Power Management
- Intelligent Power Manager
UPS Protection Software
Client shutdown software for graceful, safe shutdown of UPS-protected devices
- Intelligent Power Protector
- NetWatch
- Network Shutdown Module
- Personal Solution-Pac
UPS Connectivity Software
Network connection for your UPS without a network card, enabling remote supervision from a Web browser
- Intelligent Power Protector (connected to UPS via USB or RS232)
- Network Management Proxy
- Modbus Profiler